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Discover Legal Tiny Home Locations

Explore designated areas where you can legally place your tiny home and start rebuilding your life after the LA fires.

Our Mission to Rebuild Lives

At LifESCAPE Builders, we are dedicated to providing sustainable housing solutions for victims of the LA fires. Our tiny homes offer a practical and affordable way to regain stability, with a focus on community support and resilience. Based in Temecula, California, we are committed to helping you find a place to call home.

Can I place a Tiny Home on my property?

Fire Victims
Did you loss your home in the recent fires?

ggIn the recently released executive order by Mayor Bass, tiny homes on wheels (Built  to ANSI A119.5 Building Code) can be placed on your land during reconstruction.

“8. Allowance For Recreational Vehicles, Tiny Homes, Modular
Structures, and Mobile Homes on Affected Properties During
Rebuild: On a site with a structure, improvement, or facility substantially
damaged or destroyed by the Wildfires, the use of Recreational Vehicles,
Tiny Homes, Modular Structures, and Mobile Homes on the site during
rebuilding to house displaced resident(s) shall be permitted for up to three
years, or while an active building permit is applicable to said property,
whichever is longer. “


After your home has been rebuilt, the unit can then be place with a permit as an ADU.  Then the unit can be used as a rental or guest home. 

ADU (Auxiliary Dwelling Unit)

Not all AHJ (Authority Having Jurisdiction AKA City or County) allow tiny homes built to ANSI A119.5 Building Code.  However, State approved units are allowed in all jurisdictions.  State approved units are called Modular or FBH (Factory Built Housing).  These unit must comply with Title 24 and are inspected at the factory by the state.  They are then placed on a permantent foundation.  These units will require permits and will increase your property value as they are permanent.  They will also increase your property taxes bases on the increase value only.  State law prohibits the county from reassesing your whole property when adding on.  A quick example of this is lets say you add a FBH unit as a ADU to your back yard and it cost $150k.  If your propoerty taxes today are based of $350K, then the new tax base would be $500K. *


*Please consult with your local AHJ to confirm.  Things can change quickly and we may not have undated this page in a timely manner.  This in no way is legal advice, however we do try our best to share what we know to help you make an educated decision.

Helpful Resources

Tiny Home Industry Association

Check out this list of places where Tiny Home are Legal



The Tiny House Concierge

The Tiny House Concierge is a tiny house real estate consulting company. Do you want to talk in-depth with someone about zoning, building code, certification, and what makes a great builder? Alaska is your go-to person to help you understand what you’re getting into, and how to make great tiny house decisions.

Latest News on Tiny Homes

Nevada County Approves Tiny Home on Wheels as Full Time Dwellings

“The Board of Supervisors on Tuesday approved an ordinance allowing tiny homes on wheels to be used as permanent residences. The goal is to provide an affordable housing option for residents and address the housing crisis in the county. “